United Nations Development Programme

Annual Report 2021

During my internship at the United Nations Development Programme I was part of the Brand and Marketing team within BERA (Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy). Among other projects, I had the opportunity to work on the illustrated version of the Annual Report for 2021.

Creative director: Rodrigo Domingues
Copywriter: Peter Barry
Designers: Shangning Wang, Pragya Mahendru, Nicole Baster

The illustrated report

The UNDP Illustrated Annual Report is one of UNDP’s flagship publications developed and published annually by BERA in close collaboration with the Executive Office.

The world faced multiple crises in 2021. The climate emergency escalated, social unrest and conflict flared, inequalities deepened as COVID-19 continued to devastate lives and diminish economies, plunging millions more into poverty. UNDP’s Annual Report provides a snapshot of the results the organization achieved together with countries and communities.


The report includes information/examples across UNDP that reinforces that UNDP is uniquely designed to help solve complex development problems during a time of global crisis and done in an integrated and innovative way.

The report, printed in all six UN official languages, is distributed to all of UNDP Bureaus, to donor countries and partners. 

Signature Solutions

Signature Solutions are integrated responses to development against which UNDP aligns resources and expertise, to make real impact.

For this section in the Annual Report, a different design concept is created each year.

In the 2021 report, the primary photos, which support the hero story, are complemented by a futuristic background: in line with the new benchmark #FutureSmartUNDP


Want to see more of the Annual Report?

View the project von Behance or visit annualreport.undp.org/2021

Where I got to be involved

In addition to the support on the printed version, I was responsible for the design of digital elements. 

This included the creation of multilingual microsites and social media assetsBesides the design of the microsites, I also took care of the technical implementation. The social media assets have been designed to help spread the word about the publication of the Annual Report with UNDP’s many invaluable partners, investors and beyond.

Bringing the PDF to life

With the help of simple animations, elements from the printed document were brought to life in the digital version. This provided some  dynamic on the screen when reading the report.


Involvement in the project as part of the Brand and Marketing team within BERA (Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy) during my graphic design internship at UNDP


Spring 2022

Used Tools